In Comprehending the times our doors are open to all people who are hungry to grow in sound doctrine.
Our mission is to equip, train and form the disciples of Jesus by offering quality doctrine and theology taught experienced pastors and teachers in ministry, eliminating the greatest number of obstacles to prepare leaders and believers to live, reproduce, and defend their faith in current times.
we value

the Bible
We believe in the Bible as our supreme authority.
2 Tim 3:16
We believe in reaching and engaging to the different generations. James 2:1
We believe in discipleship
and mentoring that sticks
people to Christ. Mateo 28:19-20
We believe in involvement
of the whole church.
Efesios 4:11-13
our team
Leaders come together to pray, plan and design the classes choosing the right speakers to provide them with the best material for their own benefit and to use in discipling others.